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Start building your teams now
Marathon Games
Sept. 2023
Come join us in September for our annual Marathon Games.
This is a team event. Each team needs to have no less then five and no more then ten people.
Throughout Saturday several Gods and Goddesses will run challenges. These challenges earn your team points and at the end of the event the team with the most points is the winner and gets a trophy. Think your group of friends, ships crew or mercenary band could come out on top, then join us.
Come for the weekend and test your skills
Due to the whimsical nature of deities, contests will not be announced until the event.
Make sure your team is well rounded. Should include a cook, a warrior, a scholar, a story teller, an archer and someone over 21.
Friday night stone soup will be available. Bring stones (cans).
Saturday there will be a potluck. Please bring a donation.
Site Fee TBA
Site opens Noon Friday
Site closes 5 PM Sunday
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